Services - Small Farm & Ag
Check out the services we provide below and explore what suits your operation. If none of the services below fit your needs, contact the BCD office at (509) 736-6000 to see how we can help you achieve your goals.
Conservation & Farm Plans
We work with landowners to develop confidential plans for their farms and homesteads that identify potential resource concerns on their property and the steps they can take to solve them.
Conservation Tillage & Dust Control
Conservation tillage refers to tillage practices that leave residue from previous crops on the field to keep the soil in place, reduce the risk of erosion and increases the sustainability of your operation. Farmers in Benton County are eligible to apply for the Spokane Conservation District's No-Till and Direct Seed Loan Program.
Voluntary Stewardship Program
The Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) is a collaborative process that helps ours community ensure healthy landscapes and strong farms today and for the future. Benton County agricultural landowners are offered farm-friendly options for complying with state requirements.
We offer technical and financial assistance with irrigation system upgrades, irrigation water management and more.
Livestock & Manure Management
We work with dairy and livestock producers to voluntarily implement farm-friendly management practices that comply with state regulations and keep water and pastures healthy. We help you overcome challenges to your operation and can provide technical and financial assistance to overcome those challenges.
Fish Screening
Washington State laws require all diversions from waters of the state to be screened to protect fish. If you draw irrigation water from the Yakima and Columbia Rivers, we provide technical and financial assistance to choose & install the correct intake screen for your needs.