Who We Are
We’re Your Local Conservation Experts & Partners
We’re a community-driven and non-regulatory source of conservation expertise for people in Benton County. Our local team specializes in connecting you to solutions for healthy natural resources and agriculture.

What's a Conservation District?
A conservation district is a special use district, similar to a school district or a fire district. Benton Conservation District (BCD) is one of 45 conservation districts in Washington State (authorized by RCW 89.08). We are locally led, non-regulatory entities established to provide landowners with technical and financial assistance for conservation of natural resources.
Want to Learn More?
What’s a Conservation District (Washington State Conservation Commission)
About Conservation Districts (National Association of Conservation Districts)
Service Area & Priorities
BCD serves all of Benton County, except for federal land holdings. Our mission is to encourage wise stewardship of all natural resources for residents of Benton County.
We’re governed by a board of five supervisors who set our priorities and policies.
Work Plans

Our History
The Dust Bowl of the 1930s caused a national crisis. Congress responded by declaring soil conservation a national priority. Conservation districts were created to connect the technical and financial resources of the federal and state governments with local volunteers and landowners who knew the land best.
Natural resource priorities continue to evolve over time, and for over seven decades conservation districts have leveraged their nimble and local structure to efficiently adapt services to meet communities’ needs. Today, nearly 3,000 conservation districts operate in the United States to help develop solutions to local resource concerns.
Cost Share Application: To be eligible for cost-share an applicant must work with CD staff to complete a cost-share application.
Interlocal Agreement: The Interlocal Agreement (ILA) between Benton and Franklin Conservation Districts allows the sharing of staff, equipment, and other resources for efficient implementation of programs for both districts. This document includes specific terms for operation.
Management MOU: The Management MOU between the Benton and the Franklin Conservation Districts allows for the Assistant Manager and the District Manager to manage both organizations.