Monitoring Group Presentations
Fall 2021 Meeting Presentations
Access the entire meeting above (3 hrs)
OR click sections in the bulleted list for presentation slides.
Water Quality Projects
River Corridor Science Field Campaign Updates: Timothy Scheibe, Morgan Barnes Matt Kaufman, PNNL
Yakima Basin Water Quality Monitoring Inventory: Aaron Pelly, WSU-TC/Benton CD
Pesticide Monitoring in Surface Water: Matthew Bischof, WA St. Dept. of Agriculture
Water Stargrass, Nitrate and Metabolism Dynamics: Rich Sheibley US Geological Survey
Yakima River Water Stargrass Harvesting and Treatment: Rachel Little, Benton CD
Habitat Projects
Cold Water Refuges: Rebecca Wassell, Mid-Columbia Fisheries and Marcella Appel, Benton CD
2020 Smolt Survival and Adult Sockeye Study Results: Toby Kock, US Geological Survey
Yakima Project Facility Flow Management & Smolt Outmigration: Patrick Monk, USBR, Shubha Pandit, YN
USBR Scoping Study to Inform Water Management Operations: Richard Visser, & Kristin Mikkelson, USBR
Columbia River Updates
US Army ERDC Flowering Rush Control
Columbia River, McNary Pool
Fall 2020 Meeting Presentations
Access the entire meeting above (3 hrs)
OR click sections in the bulleted list for presentation slides.
Habitat Projects
- Lower Yakima History, ​Alex Conley, Yakima ​Basin Fish & Wildlife Recovery Board
Smolt Survival & Adult Sockeye Studies Toby Kock US Geological Survey
Lower River Electrofishing Data, Michael Porter, Yakama Nation
Cool Projects Hot River, Rebecca Wassell, Mid-Columbia Fisheries
N. Satus Drain & RM, 89.5 Update, Bridger Cohan, Yakama Nation
Water Quality Projects
Stargrass, Water Quality & Nitrate Dynamics, Rich Sheibley, US Geological Survey
​Stargrass as Biofuel Analysis, Justin Billing, Pacific NW National Laboratory
- River Corridor Hydrobiogeochemistry, Emily Graham, Pacific NW National Laboratory
LYR Current Pesticides & Toxin Monitoring, Matt Bischof, WA Dept of Agriculture
EAP Lower Basin Monitoring, Eiko Berry-Urmos, WA Dept of Ecology
Toxins & Temperature TMDL Status, Laine Young, WA Dept of Ecology
Spring 2020 Meeting Presentations
Thermal Refuge Identification on Lower Yakima River, Andres Gendaszek, USGS
Yakima River Water Stargrass, WQ & Nitrate Dynamic, Rich Sheibley, USGS
I-182 Thermal Refuge AssessmentConnor Parrish, MidColumbia Fisheries
River Mile 25 Thermal Demonstration SiteRebecca Wassell, MidColumbia Fisheries
Surface Water Monitoring in the Lower Yakima Valley,Matthew Bischof and Abigail Nickelson